I know life is not easy, and situations can seem drowning.
You are preaching to the choir when you say that "You are tired" because I feel your pain deeply. But you better not stay moping around the whole day because what would be your gain if you give up now?
I understand you had to struggle to get out of bed today and fake that smile so that people will not know that something is bothering you. I know you have tried everything possible but it just keeps feeling like nothing you do is good enough!
Would you let the devil win? Don't just say "God forbid". Act like "God forbid"!
I know that this world is filled with chaos and plenty uncertainty; trust me, I KNOW! And sometimes, you just want to throw in the towel. I know that it is too much work to maintain a sense of joy, the easy way out is to let the challenges of life overshadow your moments of happiness and contentment.
BUT even though, upon still! In the middle of those trials and tribulations, you MUST remember that it is crucial not to let the devil steal your joy and your praise. Joy is not just a momentary emotion; it's a state of being; joy is a deep-rooted sense of peace and contentment that transcends every and any form circumstances.
It is a gift from God that is suppose to help you through the storms of life. However, the devil ALWAYS (e no dey tire!) seeks to rob you of this precious gift and most times leave you feeling defeated and unloved. BIG LIE!
God LOVES YOU! Yes, He does!

In order to ensure you stay in the place of joy; you must be ready to do everything in your power to protect and defend your joy. You must Cultivate a heart of Gratitude:Â to win the constant attempt of the devil to take you to a place of regret, sadness and depression, you must cultivate the act of gratitude. You have got to focus on the good things and the blessings in your life, no matter how small they are (I know it is easier said than done). But you have to shift your perspective from lack to abundance and start to see the glass half-full than half empty. Start your day with a grateful heart, and let joy take over every aspect of your life.
You must make sure that you Stay Grounded in Faith:Â Your faith is the guarantee you have that all things will be okay. It serves as an anchor in stormy seas of life. When you have faith that God knows what He is doing with your life and your affairs; you believe that everything happens for a reason then you can find peace even in the midst of highest level of crazy. So go to God and ask Him to help you increase your faith so that you can be grounded in your faith and this way, the devil has got nothing on you.
Negative thoughts are one the major loophole that the devil uses to enter into your life so you have to Guard Your Thoughts:Â the devil is a master at sowing self-doubt, chipping away at your confidence and introducing fear. So you have to be vigilant by monitoring your thoughts and casting out anything that can threaten your peace of mind. You have to absolutely Surround Yourself with Positivity:Â a good dose of positive energy will do you some good. As much as misery loves company, so does joy. You have to consciously surround yourself with people who can uplift and inspire you at every point. And remove anyone that sows negativity into your life. Spend your time with individuals who encourage you to be the best version of yourself.

A lot of times, we underestimate the power of taking time out to take care of yourself. You have to Practice Self-Care:Â the act of taking care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being is very important to defend your joy. Create the time for activities that bring you pleasure, regardless of what that activity is; it could be spending time in nature, a day at the spa, or simply relaxing (I call it lazy day) you deserve it. Don't allow the devil steal your joy and make you feel like your life is not what it should be. Cultivate a habit gratitude, stay grounded in faith, guard your thoughts, surround yourself with positivity, and practice self-care, so that you are able to defend yourself against the devil's attacks to prepare yourself for an experience fullness of joy.
Remember, the power to choose joy is always within your grasp.